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Andhra Pradesh Leather Puppetry

Andhra Pradesh Leather Puppetry

Andhra Pradesh Leather Puppetry is one of the earliest performing arts, dating back to the 3rd century B.C. and reaching its pinnacle during the days of the Vijayanagar EmpireThe artisans have imbibed this art of manufacturing from their forefathers and have now practiced it for many generations.

The artistic depiction of episodes from folklore, epics like Ramayana, Mahabharata, Krishna Leela and a host of other characters in a narrative form on Leather goods is unique. It has got a unique style of Making, expression, and finish.

Types of Andhra Pradesh Leather Puppetry

1. Puppets for Tholu Bommalatu (Shadow play)

2. Puppets for Lamp shades

3. Puppets for wall hangings & other utilities

Andhra Pradesh Leather Puppetry in general is a shadow play with puppets, the puppets being prepared with Parchment Leather. Parchment leather is used to make several types of puppets meant for Lamp shades, wall hangings, Partition and other utility items, parchment leather, simply celled Leather, in puppets trade is prepared from animal skins.

Epic themes predominate in designs in Leather puppets. In shadow play, these puppets are used to depict Ramayana, Ramleela, etc and known as 'Tholu Bommalatu' in Telugu.

For Lamp shades, wall hangings, these puppets are fixed on a specially made metal/wood frame.

The group of people/ artisans involved in the art is a mixed breed of 'Marathi' and 'Telugu' speaking people.