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Terms & Conditions is owned and operated by oriGIniya, a company incorporated under the laws of India. When you browse and explore this portal, it's governed by the following terms and conditions. If you are executing any transaction on the portal, it shall be subject to the policies that are applicable to this portal for such transactions.

Usually, you bind with these terms and conditions under the following scenarios.

1) You surf this portal without registration or purchase merely as a visitor.

2) You register with our portal as a vendor or SaathiGI and upload your data and information.

3) You purchase products as a customer or client via this portal.

When we mention the term “We”, “Us” or “Our”, it shall mean oriGIniya. When You utilize any of the modules or services provided by Us through the portal, (e.g., Product Reviews, vendor or seller Reviews), You indirectly agree with these terms and conditions. oriGIniya reserves the right to append, change, modify, or remove portions of these Terms & Conditions, at any time without prior notice to you.

It will be your responsibility to read and review these Terms & Conditions periodically for any updates. As long as you agree and comply with these Terms & Conditions, we grant you a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited privilege to explore and use the Portal.


Except as expressly stated in an agreement between you and oriGIniya, all content, services, products and software provided on this web site are provided 'as is' without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. oriGIniya and its suppliers and licensors disclaim all warranties, express or implied including, without limitation, those of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. 

oriGIniya does not warrant & guarantee that the portal, its content, or the products and services it offers on the site might meet your requirements. Subject to the terms of any agreement between you and oriGIniya, oriGIniya, its suppliers and licensors shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, consequential, incidental, or punitive damages, even if oriGIniya, its suppliers or licensors have been advised of the possibility of such damages.

Copyright Information

The Site and the content within the Site are the property of oriGIniya or its suppliers and are protected by Indian copyright laws. The compilation, organization and display of the content, as well as all software and inventions used on and in connection with this Site, are the exclusive property of oriGIniya. oriGIniya reserves all rights in the Site and its content not specifically granted in any agreements with oriGIniya or in the Terms & Conditions.

Products and Services Offered by oriGIniya on this Portal

oriGIniya offers products and services on this Portal. When you register to obtain a product or service from oriGIniya on this Portal, you accept the specific agreement applicable to that product or service. Your use of any such product or service which is offered on this portal is governed by the Terms and Conditions mentioned on this portal. Except as provided in that agreement, oriGIniya does not warrant or guarantee that any product descriptions or content contained in this Web site is accurate, complete or error-free.

Use of Content on the Portal

You may view, download and print contents from this portal subject to the following conditions: (a) The content of this portal might be used for information purposes only, and (b) The content of this portal might not be modified or updated or changed in any way. You might not reuse, republish, distribute, and otherwise use any type of content (i.e. text, images, video, etc) without the written consent of oriGIniya. You also might not use any meta-information or meta-tags or any other 'hidden text' from page source or any data of this portal utilizing oriGIniya's name or trademarks without the express written consent of oriGIniya. You may not use any oriGIniya logo or other proprietary graphic or trademark as part of the link without express written permission.

Any unauthorized or inappropriate use of any content from this portal terminates the permission or license granted by oriGIniya and will be subject to legal jurisdiction.