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Kota Doria

Kota Doria

Kota Doria or Kota Doriya are known for it is woven on a traditional pit loom in such a nice manner that it produces square checks pattern known as ‘Khats’ on the fabric. The 'Khats' pattern, in being a fabric with a soft gossamer feel, sheerness and yet a corded texture at the place where the cotton yarn are crammed together. Such a variety of feelings within the same fabric is unique. The weaving texture is such that one can assess the count of the yarn. 'Khats' pattern is so unique that no word would be sufficient to explain it. It is not possible to create a structural pattern in fabric using a simple two-pedal loom. It is this inherited and fine skill of the weavers of this region that a structural pattern is created in Kota Doria fabric with just two-pedal.
Kota Doria is also unique in the sense that it is perhaps the only fabric, which uses cotton as well as silk in predefine proportion in the warp as the weft of the fabric. This lends the fabric a very unique kind of fall and sheerness. Kota Doria is the finest Indian hand woven textile, this very light weight, breathable fabric & extremely Kota Doria fabric dose not brittle and has a long life. This is because of 'Khats' pattern, a structure that ensures the application of stress only on cotton yarn and thus the silk just provides sheerness and good fall. Thus the comfort and longevity of the fabric of Kota Doria are quite unique transparent.
The sizing process of Kota Doria is quite unique and traditional., is done by using the juice of a special wild variety of 'Onion' available as natural vegetation in the nearby jungles of the area. This 'Onion juice' renders a soft feel to the yarn and it retains a luster and soft feel even several washes. Brushes are made up of particular types of leaves. It also involves extensive use of materials of local natural vegetation for giving the distinctive finis to the sari and this is a process that can not be replicated elsewhere. It is a unique characteristic of Kota Doria and needs to be protected.