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Bikaneri Bhujia

Bikaneri Bhujia

The origin of the Bhujia industry in Bikaner dates back to A.D.1877 while Maharaja Shri Dungar Singh was ruling the state. Since then, the item was manufactured as a special variety in the name of “DUNGARSHAHI BHUJIA” especially for the guests of the king. As time passed by, the industry has emerged as the main livelihood of the inhabitants of the districts.

The main reason for the spread of the industry is attributed to the fact that the district is a drought prone one, with the scarcity of electricity and water in the area. The main raw material for manufacturing bhujia is Moth, which is grown in the Arid Zone of Rajasthan and the saline water available from deep wells; both of them are gift to the area by nature. Thus the peculiar climatic condition of Bikaner is bliss to the quality taste and flavors of Bhujia and that is the only reason for its being known as “Bikaner Bhujia”.

Bikaneri Bhujia is manufactured by using traditional formula.

Ingredients -  a. Moth Gram – 45- 50%, b. Chana Dal – 10-15 %, c. Oil – 30-40 %, d. Salt – 1-2%, e. Spices – 2- 4%

(Longi mirch, Dry Ginger, Black Pepper, Cardamom, Cloves, Nutmeg, Cinnamon)

The distinctive, exclusive taste and mouth feel of Bikaneri Bhujia is the result of Climatic Condition, Moth Gram and Water.

Moth Gram 

The climatic condition of the area is most suitable for moth production and two varieties of Moth Dal are being cultivated in this region.  Bairani Moth - This variety of Moth is cultivated in the rainy season and Saathee Moth - This Variety of Moth is cultivated when there is lack of rainfall in the region. The crop is mostly grown on sandy soils under rain fed situations.


As per WHO classification, the Bikaner water could be categorized as hard to very hard. The presence of chloride in drinking water is normally attributable to the dissolution of salt deposits. As a guideline, chloride value of 250 mg/ltr. is accepted on organoleptic consideration. In general, it can be summarized that the ground water of Bikaner has its particular characteristics with high hardness and salinity, which is a great benefit to the crispness of Bhujia and adds to its taste and flavour. The water is safe for drinking purposes and human health.