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Vengurla Cashew

Vengurla Cashew

Vengurla Cashew is a traditional variety of cashew in Vengurla, Maharashtra. In Vengurla, due to fantastic atmosphere, soil and climate for cashew crop. Cashew is known as ‘Wonder Nut’ as the seed is outside the cashew apple. Vengurla Cashew apple has an astringent taste and high content of vitamin C. The size of Kernel increases from varieties V1 to V7 and is longest in V7. The Kernel weight of the V1 variety is 1.39gm which increases to 2.9gm in variety V7. Vengurla Cashew Color is Creamish white & taste is sweet. 

The coastal states of India are the main cashew producers. India is one of the largest producer of cashew nuts in the world accounting 39.47% of world cashew production in 2010. Cashew is an important crop as it plays role to restrict soil erosion and also develops a balanced ecosystem.

There are three parts of Cashew i.e. cashew nut, cashew apple and cashew nut shell. All of these parts of Vengurla cashew are used in different ways.

High Juice content - There is 86% juice content in Vengurla cashew apple varieties V5 and V7 which is almost 12% higher than the average of other cashew varieties in India. The cashew apple is a rich source of Vitamin C which is an essential nutrient. The cashew apple gives 5 times more vitamin C than an orange. Hence, the nutritional value of cashew apple increases due to higher juice content.

Best Shelling - Vengurla variety V2 has the highest shell thickness about 32% which ultimately gives the best protection to the Kernel. Due to thick covering Kernel is easily not accessible to any damage caused due to environment or other factors. Also keeping quality of kernel and cashew nut increases due to this and cashew nut can be stored for a longer period.

Less wrinkles - There are no or very few wrinkles on Vengurla Cashew as compared to Nandurbar Cashew. Because of this Vengurla cashew has catchy appearance and hence worldwide its demand is large.